About us
Welcome to Living Hope Church!
Sunday: 10:00 am
Thursday: 7:00 pm*
*Thursday night studies are held from September through June and do not meet in July and August.
To be a place of hope and healing for all of life's hurts through the message of Jesus Christ and the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
We endeavor to help people:
CONNECT with God and others
GROW in their faith
SERVE one another, our community and the world.
SHARE your story of what God has done in your life.
- The One True God in three persons, the Father, Jesus the Son of God, and Holy Spirit.
- The Bible as the true, reliable and infallible divinely inspired guide for living.
- The atoning work of Christ's death, resurrection and ascension to the right hand of the
Father in heaven.
- There is no other name under heaven but the name of Jesus by which man can be
saved. (Acts 4:12)
- We are saved by grace through faith. (Ephesians 2:8-9)
- The ministry, work and gifts of the Holy Spirit as an everyday part of the believer's life.
- Following the example of the New Testament church as described in the book of Acts.
- The traditional view of marriage.
- Gender roles of male and female as defined in Scripture.
- Women in ministry.
- The gifts fo the Holy Spirit are for today.
- The right of Israel to exist as a nation.
- Healing of the sick by the laying on of hands.
- Generosity in giving and receiving fromg God.
- Sanctity of life and that it begins at conception.
- The importance of the work of missions.
- The value of expressive worship.
- The importance of prayer.
- Loving one another.
- Treating one another with respect.
- Serving our neighbors.
- Kindness and generosity.